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Reports 21 - 30 of 278 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The Perfect Mix

To be honest, what originally drew my attention to the Finger Lakes was a waterfall. Taughannock Fal...
Ithaca, United States travel report by Xeres Nelro

How can Geneva be more tourists friendly?

Weather in Geneva was unpredictable. It seemed like a lovely, sunny day, but the multiple rainbows m...
Geneva, Switzerland travel report by Krys Dudek

Still a bit nervous?

The first sight of Hong Kong did not impress me at all. What I saw were just clusters of stupidly t...
Hong Kong, Hong Kong travel report by Krys Dudek

Suspended in time

Montenegro is one of the last undiscovered secrets of Europe, a country that is vast in natural beau...
Herceg-Novi, Montenegro travel report by Amanda Bleu

On Water. Vietnam Trilogy - 2. Hue & Perfume River

“Established as the capital of unified Viet Nam in 1802, Hué was not only the political but also...
Hue, Vietnam travel report by Krys Dudek

PT Boat On The Way to Havana

Compared to Santiago de Cuba and Cienfuegos, Havana is an enormous city. Both Santiago and Cienfuego...
Havana, Cuba travel report by recaro94

Vietnam, a Journey through a traumatized Country

Its geography is destiny, its history characterized by foreign rule, intruders, invasors, oppression and bonda...   report of the month contest
Feb 2011
Hanoi, Vietnam travel report by Christl Stephanblome

Hitch-hiking along the Trans-Labrador Highway...

There is very little traffic in that road, which includes some trucks carrying containers with freez...
Goose Bay, Canada travel report by jorge sanchez

Peru Trilogy Supplement. Cordillera Blanca.

It is actually quite difficult to choose what to see and do in the Cordillera Blanca. The mountain r...
Huaraz, Peru travel report by Krys Dudek

Taking the Trans-Kalahari Highway

I noticed a visible different between Botswana and Namibia; and that was people and livestock. As we crossed t...   report of the month contest
Dec 2006
Ghanzi, Botswana travel report by Amanda Bleu

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