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Sherine of Shah Rukh e Alam's by zulfiqar

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information about pakistan  MultanPakistan, Punjab
The Mazar of Rukn-i-Alam is the glory of multan. When the city is approached from any side the most prominent thing which can be seen from miles all around is a huge dome. This dome is the Shrine of Sheikh Rukn-ud-Din Abul Fath commonly known by the title Rukn-e-Alam (pillar of the world). The tomb is located on the south-West side of the Fort premises. In beauty and grandeur so other dome perhaps equals it This elegant building is an octagon, 51 feet 9 inches in diameter internally, with walls 41 feet 4 inches high and 13 feet 3 inches thick, supported at the angles by sloping towers. Over this is a smaller octagon 25 feet 8 inches, on the exterior side, and 26 feet 1 0 inches high, leaving a narrow passage all round the top of the lower story for the Moazzan, or public caller to prayers. The whole is surmounted by hemishperical dome of 58 feet external diameter. The total height of the building, including a plinth of 3 feet, is 100 feet.
Uploaded: Jan, 28 2009 | Taken: Nov, 11 2008| Viewed: 41 times  | 2 votes
Camera: Nokia | Model: E90 | Exposure 0/1000000s, f3.0, ISO 100 | FLength: 5mm | SW: ACD Systems Digital Imaging

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