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Canakkale travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Canakkale, Turkey!

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Travel guide to Canakkale
Canakkale Clock Tower
Canakkale Clock Tower
Canakkale is a small town of Dardanelles that was the site of a great battle during World War I ('WWI').

Most importantly, it is home to the famous mythology city in Homer's epic poem - 'Illiad' also known as Troy, one of the oldest settlements in the world.

Legend has it that Paris fell in love with the beautiful Helen, who was married to the King of Sparta. Paris abducted Helen and brought her to Troy. There began a ten-year war between the Trojans and the Achaeans. In the tenth year of the Trojan War, the Achaeans decided to play a 'trick' on the Trojans. They left a wooden horse behind as a 'gift' for the Trojans. Inside the large wooden horse was concealed a squad of soldiers who, after the horse had been dragged into the unsuspecting city and under the cover of darkness, emerged and opened the gates, eventually winning the war.

A reconstructed wooden Trojan Horse lies on the site to remind us of this. [edit text]  [editors]

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