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Vic travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Vic, Spain!

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Travel guide to Vic
Placa Mayor in Vic
Placa Mayor in Vic
Vic is situated halfway between the Pyreenes and the coast just 70 kilometers from Barcelona. It preserves the traditions and essence of inland Catalonia. Vic is more than 2.000 years old. The historical center of medieval origin, preserves several examples of this heritage in a relatively small area: from 2nd century Roman Temple to noteworthy contemporary buildings. It is easy to see great examples of all sorts of architectural styles; the Romanesque bell tower of the cathedral, the Gothic cloister, the medieval walls, baroque churches and houses and remarkable examples of modernism. Placa Mayor (the Market Square) is a central point of the town. Within short walk one can see all the highlights of Vic old center. The Episcopal museum of Vic and Balmes Museum are worth visit. Typical food to try is Llonganissa, a sausage from Osona Region (Vic is its capital). [edit text]  [editors]

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