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Torla travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Torla, Spain!

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Travel guide to Torla
Torla - variable weather
Torla - variable weather
Until quite recently Torla was just a peaceful Pyrrenean village in a seting of great beauty.
However its location near th the Ordesa National Park and the growth of tourism in the area have put an end to that. Those who have known it for some time bewail the new building. Whist it is true that some is distinctly unsympathetic, newcomers may be pleasantly surprised at its lack of effect on the village centre.
Older guidebooks relate the necessity of using either a car or feet to reach Ordesa. This is now the reverse of the situation, except in winter. For the rest of the year cars are not allowed and have to be left in Torla's vast car park. Coaches go up every 20 minutes or so, subject to a limit to the numbers allowed at any one time.
There is no difficulty, at least outside high season, in finding meals or accommodation. [edit text]  [editors]

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Torla and the Aragón Pyrenees 
Torla,  Spain 
davidx  rating  2005-01-27

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