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Bandiagara travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Bandiagara, Mali!

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Travel guide to Bandiagara
Dogon Village
Dogon Village
Bandiagara is a small Mali village, which gives its name to the Bandiagara Escarpment, the home of the Land of the Dogons. The Dogons are a very conservative tribe in Mali, who occupy a narrow strip of land along the cliff. Bandiagara is one of the world's most dramatic landscape and one of the planet's culturally most important (listed by UNESCO) areas. There is no infrastructure there and no public transport. There are no hotels, no restaurants, no tourist offices. One has to take a Dogon guide to visit the area, to avoid upsetting or insulting the local community. It is easy to find one. Along the escarpment there are many small and lovely villages complete with unique traditions, baobab groves and small mud-brick mosques. There is no electricity in the area and the way the community works had not changed for hundreds of years. Certain areas of the Bandiagara Escarpment are unsafe, where human sacrifice may still being practised. [edit text]  [editors]

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Author Rating Date
Dogon Country - the highlight of West Africa 
Bandiagara,  Mali 
wojtekd  rating  2002-11-03

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