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Morombe travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Morombe, Madagascar!

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Travel guide to Morombe
Morombe - a giant beach in Madagascar
Morombe - a giant beach in Madagascar
Morombe, in the local Malagasy language means Vast Beach (morom = beach, be = big). It is a small sleepy town with few sights, but with an incredible beach, climate and community. People are so friendly there that it is hard to believe they are real. The fishermen, who live on the beach in the wooden huts provide produce to the local restaurants, which cook incredible seafood platters, including lobster tails. There are a few good accommodation options in town and Morombe has a small airfield, which connects with Morondava, Toliara and Antananarivo two or three times a week. The beach is in fact large enough for both the fishermen and the travellers, not many of whom actually end up here. So the vast majority of the beach is empty. Near Morombe, there are some great baobab forests, which are worth visiting. Own transport is however necessary. It is hard to get to Morombe by road. There is no road, and large trucks are used as buses due to massive clearance requirements. [edit text]  [editors]

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Madagascar - Toliara - Morombe krisek

Hotel Baobab

Madagascar - Toliara - Morombe krisek

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