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Serekunda travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Serekunda, Gambia, the!

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Travel guide to Serekunda
Serekunda - a side street
Serekunda - a side street
Serekunda is the largest town in The Gambia. Its main qualities are: the lively market, supermarkets, cheap food, plenty of shopping, good gym facilities and general African feel. The drawbacks are: the traffic. It is much too often that it is much, much faster to walk in Serekunda than it is to drive. Serekunda has not the best reputation with regard to the attractiveness. The architecture is simple and square. However, there are a few more reasons to come to Serekunda rather than just to shop. There are at least two nice night clubs. One called The Monument and the other Jokor. Both are safe, although the latter is often infested with working girls. Serekunda is also the very point to grab transport to anywhere in the country. It is de facto the country's economic engine. [edit text]  [editors]

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Serekunda,  Gambia, the 
krisek  rating  2008-02-10

Travel tips on Serekunda

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Gambia, the - Serekunda krisek

The Monument

Gambia, the - Western - Serekunda krisek

Sultan's Sweets

Gambia, the - Western - Serekunda krisek

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