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Night Panorama of Sydney - Circular Quay

Australia - New South Wales - Sydney2006-01-30 send as postcard
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Sydney Harbour Bridge

Australia - New South Wales - Sydney2006-01-30 send as postcard
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Sydney Opera House

Australia - New South Wales - Sydney2006-01-30 send as postcard
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Looking West from the Gap

Australia - New South Wales - Watsons Bay2006-01-26 send as postcard
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Katoomba Falls

Australia - New South Wales - Blue Mountains National Park2006-02-15 send as postcard
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Lake within the Kuring gai National Park

Australia - New South Wales - Kuring-gai Chase2006-02-13 send as postcard
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North Coast Regional Botanical Garden

Australia - New South Wales - Coffs Harbour2007-02-15 send as postcard
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Katoomba Falls, Blue mountains.

Australia - New South Wales - Blue Mountains National Park2006-02-15 send as postcard
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A close up of one of the rocks foring the 3 Sister

Australia - New South Wales - Blue Mountains National Park2006-02-04 send as postcard
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Blue Mountains National Park

Australia - New South Wales - Blue Mountains National Park2006-02-15 send as postcard
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The Three Sisters

Australia - New South Wales - Blue Mountains National Park2006-02-15 send as postcard
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Beautiful Byron Bay Scenery

Australia - New South Wales - Byron Bay2006-01-31 send as postcard
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Sydney - City View during the day

Australia - New South Wales - Sydney2006-01-30 send as postcard
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Mc Carrs Creek

Australia - New South Wales - Kuring-gai Chase2006-02-13 send as postcard
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Temporate rainforest ferns of Katoomba Reserve

Australia - New South Wales - Blue Mountains National Park2006-02-15 send as postcard
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From the Gap Looking South in Watsons Bay

Australia - New South Wales - Watsons Bay2006-01-26 send as postcard
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Australia - New South Wales - Auburn2006-02-04 send as postcard
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The Ladder

Australia - New South Wales - Auburn2006-02-04 send as postcard
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The overflow

Australia - New South Wales - Auburn2006-02-04 send as postcard
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Homestead turned into Visitors Centre

Australia - New South Wales - Auburn2006-02-04 send as postcard

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