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San Jose's Pao-Hua Buddhist Temple's by el2995

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information about united-states  San JoseUnited States, California
San Jose's Pao-Hua Buddhist Temple, on Mckee Road in East San Jose. The temple is visited by both Chinese and Vietnamese Buddhists, and as such hosts religious festivals particular to both of the communities. During the festivals, parking is very tough to come by. On such days, the sidewalks in front of the temple are lined with vendor tables selling a variety of gifts, religious items, some toys and snacks for the kids, and usually a few produce vendors thrown into the mix. During the festivals, free vegetarian food is usually offered to the guests in the dining hall beneath the main temple. There are other temples and shrines on the site, with one dedicated to Kwan Yin, the multi-armed Goddess of Mercy. Once a month there is a ceremony in the main temple in which many Buddhist nuns chant in time with a drum beat in the main temple, the air of which is sweet with thick incense smoke and the scent of offered fruits.
Uploaded: Apr, 08 2012 | Taken: Dec, 21 2010| Viewed: 23 times
Camera: CASIO COMPUTER CO.,LTD. | Model: EX-S600 | Exposure 1/250s | FLength: 6mm | SW: 1.00

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