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Pulau Ubin, 'Old School' Singapore's by el2995

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information about singapore  Singapore CitySingapore
For a taste of what Singapore was like before it became one of the ‘Asian Tigers’, check out Pulau Ubin. The island lies to the north between Singapore and Malaysia in the Johor Strait, and is reach via a 10-minute ‘bum boat’ ride (SGD $2 each way) from the Changi Point ferry terminal. The island retains its ‘kampung’ (fishing village) feel and gives you a chance to experience some of the local wildlife (monitor lizards, wild boars, numerous birds) and do a bit of biking around the island. There are some camp grounds and a resort hotel or two; note that outside of the resort there is no potable water, but there are restaurants and snack shops that sell water, soft drinks and beer near the main jetty. Bikes can be rented for as little as SGD $3 if you go later in the day, or SGD $8 all day if you get there early (no rental helmets were evident, though); there is a fair amount of paved road, but dirt roads are required to reach the Chek Jawa Wildlife Center and walking platform / jetty.
Uploaded: Mar, 17 2010 | Taken: Nov, 26 2007| Viewed: 37 times  | 4 votes
Camera: CASIO COMPUTER CO.,LTD. | Model: EX-S600 | Exposure 1/250s | FLength: 6mm | SW: 1.00

jacko1 - Mar, 18 2010 06:03am
Good detail in this pic and also interesting info. in the comment.

rangutan - Mar, 23 2010 03:03am
Amazing that there are still rural areas in Singapore!

krisek - Mar, 23 2010 07:03am
Oh, yeah! There are in fact many very 'rustic' and rather 'untidy' spots in Singapore. I was a bit shocked when I saw them, as I imagined that the city-state would just be glitter... ;)

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