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Dahab travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Dahab, Egypt!

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Travel guide to Dahab
Into The Blue
Into The Blue
Dahab is located at the eastern coast of the Sinai Penninsula and about 50 km north of Sharm-el-Skeikh, the nearest airport.

Since the 1980s the city has been growing rapidl. Many inhabitants have given give up their work in the fishing industryand now work in better paid jobs: tourism...

Dahab is a famous place for scuba diving and wind surfing. [edit text]  [editors]

Dahab's travel tips, pictures, advice

Hostels    Reports (4)    Travel tips (6)    Pictures (47)    Members (4)

Travel reports on Dahab

Author Rating Date
A personal history of Dahab, Sinai 
Dahab,  Egypt 
sina  rating  2006-05-18
Egypt - Sinai - Dahab... 
Dahab,  Egypt 
esfahani  rating  2004-10-19
Dahab... about to be invaded by tourists 
Dahab,  Egypt 
morc66  rating  2005-10-11
The Red Sea is blue 
Dahab,  Egypt 
inzaghi  rating  2002-08-12

Travel tips on Dahab

picture place / location rating / by member
Full Moon Cafe

Full Moon Cafe

Egypt - Dahab eirekay
Om Kolthum Cafe Shop

Om Kolthum Cafe Shop

Egypt - Dahab eirekay
King of Chicken

King of Chicken

Egypt - Dahab eirekay
Desert Divers

Desert Divers

Egypt - Dahab mansinha

Climbing Sinai Mountain (2285 metres)

Egypt - Janøb S¿nå' - Dahab jorgesanchez

more travel tips on Dahab (6)

About Egypt
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