- Jul, 06 2006 01:07pm
Great shot, it looks so close to the train
- Jul, 07 2006 02:07am
Wonderful shot, particularly from the train.
- Jul, 07 2006 08:07am
Yeah! it was taked from the train. Was 18 hours for 300 km thruough the desert so imagine the speed!!! you can take pictures easily.
- Jul, 07 2006 08:07am
This is a masterpiece picture! Eres el mejor!
- Jul, 07 2006 07:07pm
.... comes to our photographic forum "THEME: Motion" collection for sure!
- Jul, 08 2006 05:07am
I wish you get the PoM with this unique picture!
- Jul, 08 2006 08:07am
Fantastic phenomenon! 5 points!
- Jul, 09 2006 06:07am
Talk about being in the right place at the right time, this is a fantastic picture
- Jul, 09 2006 07:07am
Yeah! when I was there I was really tyred and angry because of the hard train journey but at the same time I was enjoying itself and amazed by all that I saw. Now just the good things least in me.