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Kumbo travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Kumbo, Cameroon!

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Travel guide to Kumbo
Kumbo (CM) - The Highlands
Kumbo (CM) - The Highlands
Kumbo is a fascinating town along the famous Ring Road. It is the largest town in the highlands. It is a very difficult place to reach, as the Ring Road does not really exist. Most of the 'road' is just sand and sand waves, so hard to navigate that it should not really be attempted by anything but a for wheel drive with plenty of clearance or a very solid truck. And that is during the dry season. In other seasons, the road is completely impassable. Kumbo is a pleasant hilly town. Dusty. With a single bank, which exchanges cash euros at the pegged rate to the CFA (XAF)- very accurate! There are a few clubs (BBC having the best reputation in 2011) and a number hotels with decent restaurants. The population is really friendly and approachable. Perhaps due to the fact that the place is so hard to get to. There is a fon palace that can be visited, too. [edit text]  [editors]

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Fomo'92 Hotel

Cameroon - Kumbo krisek

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