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Karnak - Hapshetshuts Obelisk between the columns's by eirekay

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information about egypt  LuxorEgypt, Qinå
The columns of Karnak's hippodrome hall are a marvel of detail. Here one of two obelisks carved from a single stone by Queen Hapshetshut is seen from between the columns - the other lays on its side further in the Temple.
Uploaded: Aug, 12 2008 | Taken: Jun, 22 2008| Viewed: 29 times  | 3 votes
Camera:  Canon PowerShot SD630 | Exposure 1/1500s, f3.0 | FLength: 5mm

basia - Aug, 12 2008 03:08pm
These columns make impression in Luxor, I own similar photos in collection. Well done.

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